5 things learnt in 2017

5 things learnt in 2017

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As we are fast approaching the new year, I have been reflecting on what I have learnt throughout this year 2017. What a year it has been! This year has definitely been a year of learning for me and I am sure it has been the same for many.
Due to this, I thought I would share 5 things that I have learnt this year which may help you also reflect on what you have learnt, or which may help you start head into 2018 feeling positive!

All things work together for good

This year I learnt that even though the year may not have followed as I would have hoped, all things work together for good. Instead of giving up, I am constantly learning to hand everything over to God trusting that His plan is the best plan for me. You may have a few things that did not work out for you this year or that did not go as planned, but just know that all things will work out for your good, and remember, even the bad contributes to the journey.

Life is too short to not live on purpose

Previously this year I wrote a blog post on ‘making a difference with your purpose’. If you haven’t already read it, be sure to read it once you finish reading this post ( Purpose: Make a Difference! ). This year I learnt that many of us just exist. I also learnt that it is important for us to live on purpose as we are all here on earth for a purpose. It isn’t too late! If you are not already, you can start today by making a decision to start living on purpose. And if you are, continue walking in your purpose and make a difference.

You have to overcome fear and step out into your passions and dreams. As the saying goes, ‘time waits for no man’

The journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step. This can be linked to the previous point. I learnt that if we want to achieve anything in life, the first step we must take is to overcome Fear. If you decided that you now want to live on purpose, guess what, Fear is going to try and stop you. But you don’t have to allow fear to hold you back. Take that first step of Faith and the rest will be history.

We all need people

This is one of the big lessons I learnt this year, along with the importance of Forgiveness. Sometimes, I like to do my own thing and just be anti-social but despite that, I had to learn that people and positive relationships are an important part of life. Now, this does not mean we have to allow negative people to keep affecting our life, but we need to embrace positivity and block out the negative. This also does not mean that we should use people, in fact it means we should love people, forgive and be willing to give, whether they are in your life only for a season or long-term.

It is important to live a life aiming to do better each day and to not give up during the journey

By the title of my blog, I’m sure you have now understood the purpose of this blog ‘DoBetterEveryday’ (A blog created to encourage & inspire others to do better in all areas of life: Spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially and in our relationships).
At the beginning of the year I began this journey and then made the decision to take as many people along with me. I learnt that every day we have to aim to Do Better. I’m sure none of us like to be stagnant and want to improve as we grow older. Things may get tough on this journey but we must have the courage to keep going and not give up, even when we fall.

Final word of encouragement

These are a few things that I have learnt during 2017. What have you learnt this year? If you haven’t already, take some time out to reflect on your year. Don’t look at the bad, but look at the good things (we all have something to be grateful for – even being alive is one).
Focus on the good and start to use what you have learnt to prepare you for the new year. Start writing down your goals from now and don’t wait until the New Year. As they say, ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail!’
God bless & Happy new year in advance.

Author: Pro. Maria Tayo

Blogger and Contributor Celestialweekly.com
Publisher https://dobettereverydayblog.wordpress.com

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