Fatherly figure: The role fathers play

Fatherly figure: The role fathers play

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As we celebrate our fathers this Father’s Day, it is important to recognise what makes a man a father. Is it just due to the position he plays in the home, or the fulfilment of his responsibilities for his children?

‘A man in relation to his child or children, (often as a title or form of address) a priest, early Christian theologians.’Oxford dictionary
This expresses that a father is not only limited to a man with children, but also a man of God. However, the two definitions also intertwine as a good and honourable father figure is one with integrity, one whose heart follows after God.

As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear HimPsalm 103:13
Alongside this, there are various passages in the bible that speak on fatherhood and identify what makes someone worthy of the position as a father.
The reason I titled this piece ‘Fatherly figure’ is because a father figure tends to be someone in power, with the zeal and strength to worship God.
As Christians, we tend to refer to great men of God as ‘Father…’ or ‘Baba…’ due to their rank or position in the church but if we look deeper into it, this title is mainly used for those that demonstrate the ability to lead or direct several people in the right way.

Recognising a man with the father figure is not only down to whether he has children or not. Yes, it is also a reference to a man that plays a part in the life of children, but He can also be referred to as ‘Dad.’
I’m sure many will be thinking they are the same thing, I previously thought the same. Although, when thinking about it deeply, there is a significant difference between the words ‘Father’ and ‘Dad’ and this is because, as mentioned above, a father is a man we respect due to his duties as a Godfearing man.
Whereas, a dad is more or less recognised as the male parent of a child, whether he fulfils that role is another thing entirely- to which he then progresses to be recognised as a father.

‘For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way pf the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what he has spoken to him’Genesis 18:19

I believe we should honour all fathers alike this Father’s Day. Whoever you may have in your life that represents that of a father figure is one to be honoured.
A man of God that allows his actions to show his zeal and love for our Father in heaven is exactly that, who with his speech and doings unto others is worthy of the fatherly figure.

Author: Hannah Williams

Editor and Blogger for Celestialweekly.com
Editor for thoughtsdeepwithin.blogspot.co.uk
Writer, Advisor, Fun, Disciplined

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