Many people struggle during their season of singleness. Through the periods of loneliness to the constant questions of ‘why are you still single’? But being single does not have to be a negative thing. A period of singleness can be a blessing, depending on how you spend your time during this season. If you are in this season of your life, use this time to seek God, discover your purpose and do things that you enjoy doing. Use this season to work towards becoming a better version of yourself and who God created you to be.
Seek God First
Matthew 6:33, Seek first the kingdom of God and his Righteousness and these things shall be added to you.
At all stages of our lives, our main focus should be to put God first. Without God, your period of singleness is likely to be a struggle. If God has called you into this season, use this time to seek and build a relationship with Him. Do not waste your period of singleness. During this season, actively seek God with your whole heart, serve Him and serve others. Whilst you are single and desiring to be married, do not just sit there and wait for your dream man or woman to turn up. Spend this time doing things you love, discover new talents and spend time with your loved ones. Use this time to grow, develop and improve as an individual, before you enter the process of becoming one with another individual. Do not just wait whilst doing nothing or you may miss out on the many amazing things you could achieve in this season.
As a single person, you should seek to be whole in Christ. You do not want to come into a marriage broken or full of holes. Remember that a man leaves his father and mother to be joined to his wife and they become ONE. This requires two whole individuals, not two halves, who go through a spiritual process and become one. Use this season to allow God to heal you from any heartbreaks from previous relationships and allow God to fill the void in your life.
Devote your time to God
1 Corinthians 7:32, The unmarried person careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord.
Whether you believe it or not, when you get married your attention is divided between God and your spouse. When children come into the picture even more of your time is devoted to the home. So, this period of singleness is a great time to give your undivided attention to the Lord, without having to consult your partner before making certain decisions or before spending time with God.
Discover your Purpose
Jeremiah 1:5, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you.
If you are in a season of singleness, this is a great time for you to discover your purpose. Remember that you were created ‘On purpose for a purpose’. Whether you are in your season of singleness or not, as you seek God, pray that he will help you discover your purpose. During this season, you are likely to have more free time than you would if you were married with children. For those destined to be married, marriage is only a part of your purpose and not your sole purpose for being placed on this planet Earth. In fact, walking in your purpose will highlight to you how important it is to be joined with someone who God has ordained to fit within your purpose. So, focus on becoming the woman or man God wants you to be rather than focusing on finding the right man or woman. Get to know yourself during this season, know your worth and love the woman or man you are becoming.
Author: Pro. Maria Tayo
Blogger and Contributor