The Power of a Praying Woman
Never underestimate the power of a praying woman! Women, whether you are a wife, a sister, a daughter or a mother, prayer is an important part of your daily life. There is power in prayer!
Prayer is the key however, prayer without faith lacks power. Many of us as women struggle to find time in our busy schedule to set aside for prayer. For this reason, we must be very intentional about spending time in prayer and it doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think.
You can walk and pray on your way to work, spend 30 minutes during your lunch break in a quiet place praying or dedicate time to prayer before going to sleep. The few minutes of silent prayer during the Sunday service alone is not going to allow you to gain the full power of prayer that you can experience.
If we truly want to experience the power of a praying woman, it is important that we discipline ourselves to a life of prayer. Now, this does not mean that we should sit down all day praying, but is a reminder that prayer is an essential part of our journey as Christian women.
So, what is prayer? From my personal walk with the Lord I have grown to see prayer as one of the ways I can communicate with God. In the past, I used to think that if I was not kneeling down with my eyes closed then I was not praying, or my prayer was invalid before God. Now, that was years ago but now, at times, I take a walk or even go for a run and use this time to communicate with the Lord and I know that He hears me. I have learnt that I can communicate with the Lord at any time throughout the day, and you can do the same also!
You will notice that I mentioned above, prayer is communication with God, which means God can also lay things on your heart during prayer or after prayer. The power of a praying woman is not just to ask God for what you desire, but to also find out what the Lord’s will is for your life. You can make a massive difference through your prayers.
Women, we no longer need to rely solely on the prayer of others. Yes, the prayer of others in our life is also an important factor, but you can also experience this power of prayer yourself and use this power to pray for others.
There is power in a praying woman, but there is even more power in a group of praying women. Jesus told us in Matthew 18:20, ‘For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.’ As women, we should aim to gather together in prayer, even if this is just you and another sister setting aside time to pray each week or month. We can make a difference together!
During this new month, let us intentionally set time aside for prayer each day. Whether it be in the morning, on our way to work, before we go to sleep or at any point we can throughout the day, there is always something we can pray for.
Remember to pray for your partner, your parents, your siblings, the leaders in the church and your friends. Oh, and do not forget to pray for yourself and thank God for all He has done and for what He is doing. And if you feel like you have been praying for a long time with no results, I am here to encourage you today, do not give up. If it is God’s will, whatever you are asking for by faith will come to pass and if not, then God has something even better in plan. Remember, Adura lo le se (prayer can do it)!
Prayer: I pray that God will give us women the desire to pray to Him daily and as we do so, I pray that we will experience the Power of a Praying woman. I pray that as we make a decision to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, we will encourage other women around us and that we will make positive change through our prayers, in the church, our homes and in our ministries. In Jesus Name, Amen.
So, ladies let us start to walk in the power of praying women and make an impact through our prayers for the glory of God!
God bless you.
Author: Pro. Maria Tayo
Blogger and Contributor
Thank you! This post revived me again to walk with power as a prayerful woman and make an impact for the glory of God! Blessings!
To God be the glory ?❤. I have just re-read the post and it has also reminded me about the power of a praying woman. May God continue to help us all.