Things to do

Week 44: Oct 29th – Nov 4th (Wicked are Reserved)

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Wicked are Reserved

Week 44: Oct 29th – Nov 4th

Bible passage to read: Job 21:30

The wicked go down to the realm of the dead,
all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9:17
Shortly before I gave my life to Jesus, I used to envy some “bad boys” in my school because of their way of life. These big boys as they are often referred to by admirers are the toast of the Campus; they sleep with the most beautiful Ladies and eat the best delicacies you can ever imagine. They ride the best cars and live carelessly, yet it appears as if God is not concerned about them.
I was so foolish to have concluded that God is not concerned about them. I continued to envy the evil people when I was born again until God dealt with me. And i queried God for the punishment; after all, I have a case to tender, how will God allow some people to go free after committing an offence and he will punish me for the same sin? Then God answered me that I am different from them and that is the reason why he chooses to punish me whenever he likes.
God punishes those he likes and he leaves the wicked to grow fat into destruction. He intentionally left some people to a reprobate mind because they have refused to heed the word in their hearts (Rom1:28). I know that you will not like to be referred to as a rejected child of God because it is far better to be punished by the Lord than to be totally rejected by him.
When God punish you, take it as a thing of joy and always learn to depart from such evil way from which you are corrected. He has a plan for you and that’s the reason why he does not want to spare the rod over your life. You are too precious to be neglected by heaven because of what the Lord has deposited in you.
Job do not know how much God admired him so much that he was using him as an object of pride even in the sight of Satan (Job1:8). He was overwhelmed by tribulations and he totally lost control of his thoughts; he began to envy the wicked. But just like Job said, the wicked might be honored in this world even to their grave (Job21:30-33) but definitely they can never be honored in heaven.
The rich man and Lazarus are good examples of the two sides of a coin. While the rich man enjoyed the accolades of this world to the last, Lazarus suffered in oblivion and no one ever reckoned with his ways of life because they are strange to the world. But heaven recognized Lazarus and honored him for a battle well fought against unrighteousness.
Therefore, do not admire the wicked around you because of their present “flamboyant” way of life. That kind of life is fake and temporal. It also lack joy and eternal happiness and that’s why you see most of them running up and down in order to get peace which they never get. Set the Lord as your focus and have patience in your righteous way of life, your Crown is coming soon.

Devotional Prayer Points

  • Oh Lord, fill me with your wisdom that will be able to lead me rightly in life in Jesus name.
  • I refuse to be a mediocre in Jesus name
  • Oh Lord, give me a humble heart to always listen to correction in Jesus name
  • As from today, i choose to understand everything that the Lord wants me to understand from every situation in Jesus name
  • Dear Lord, please turn all my foolishness to wisdom in Jesus name.

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook