Things to do

Week 11: Mar 12th – 18th (The Way Out)

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The Way Out

Week 11: Mar 12th – 18th

Bible passage to read: 2nd John 1; 2nd Chronicles 36:15


One Door, One Key: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me

– John 14:6

One of the greatest chapters in the Bible that specifically detailed the extent of the power of the sons of God is the earlier part of John Chapter one.  John was sent to us to usher Jesus into the world and he did that work perfectly well by telling us the details about the messiah. He reminded the Israelites of those days of the need to prepare the way of the lord for the coming Messiah and to remain steadfast in righteous living but they seem to turn a deaf ear to these warnings.

And that was not going to be the first time God was going to send someone to his people. God has always been sending prophets to his children from time to time and he gave them warnings on each occasion (2nd Chronicles 36:15) about the need to follow his instructions and rules. And this system of by which God use in messaging his people has not changed till now.

Nowadays, God has made available for us his genuine Prophets to teach us the right way to follow but we simply neglect such warnings because of our own evil intentions. Many of us tend to give excuses for our neglect of the word of God; we often say that we are in a new world and that the preaching of the real men of God is old fashioned.


But the bible confirms that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore (Hebrews13:8). Jesus knows about the story of the creation of the world and in fact he is the main partner with God in the beginning. This means that Jesus himself is old fashioned because he is still the same in his thinking and working of miracles; he never changes and he can never change. He is and he will continue to be the way, the truth and life (John10:9-10).

Dearest Friend, the only way out of your present predicament in life is the word. The word of God is the basis of everything; it’s the bedrock of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. It still remains the only trusted and available weapon that is useful against the enemy. No wonder Jesus replied Satan with the word when he was tested after his return from the wilderness.

If Jesus still has to fight the devil today, he is still going to use the same word that he used against him thousands of years ago. And that’s the weapon that God want us to operate with. God wants you to see the word as the only thing that can make your existence in life very meaningful because the plans of God for your life are there.

Get settled today and find your purpose in the word, meditate in it day and night and God will put you through. Remain blessed as you turn to the word as your weapon in Jesus name.

Devotional Prayer Points

  • Jesus, help me to know you as the only way, the truth and life.
  • Dear father; guide me to walk in you as the only way, help me to know you as the truth and give me the grace to see you alone as my life.
  • Oh Lord, you are the Light of the world; light every dark aspects of my life in Jesus name
  • Dear Lord, grant me breakthrough in every landlocked areas of my life in Jesus name.
  • Oh Lord, make me to see you as my saviour and guide me to see your word as the only weapon that help to proof my meaningful existence on earth in Jesus name.

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook