Things to do

Week 29: July 16th – 22nd (The Kings Son)

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The Kings Son

Week 29: July 16th – 22nd

Bible passage to read: 2 Samuel 13

“….They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” Jude1:4b

Here comes a well-balanced story of repercussions, of Amnon, King David’s firstborn’s (2 Samuel 3:2) lust for his step-sister, Tamar – an intense evil spirit that made him sick. Before this happening in the previous chapter – 12:11, God promised David by the mouth of Nathan the prophet that he would “raise up evil against David from his own household” because of his sins against Uriah(2nd Samuel 11:5-27). This is why the bible says: Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. (Galatians 6:7 NIV). David sowed the seeds of Murder and Adultery and reap the fruits of the same. The king saw something he liked a lot and plotted to have it by all means. Have you ever wanted something so bad that you will probably do anything to have it? Let us be frank, we probably have taken something that was not in God’s will for us and thought in our hearts to pray for forgiveness later. David went into this sins with both eyes wide opened. He then pleaded with God in Psalms 19:12-13: “….. cleanse thou me from secret faults. Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.”

Fast forward into the days of Amnon, tempted of the same evil spirit that brought his father to his knees, advised and encouraged by his uncle, and deceived the king, and a whole nation just to accomplish his evil plot. Who do you talk to about you intimate or emotional feelings about life’s situation? Do you keep it sealed in your mind and let your heart rule or do you discuss it with family or friends? For some other grownups, there exist a special contact on their phone or address books who always first hears about decisions or situations. So that the word of God will be performed as the prophet Nathan had prophesied, the deed was done and according to Jewish traditions, anyone that touched Tamar after being dishonored is cursed with her. Amnon however, got away with the evil he did as David knew it was Gods hand that has stricken him.

In the red corner was Prince Absalom, the blood brother to Tamar, who had been defiled and not even the king, could do anything about Amnon’s deeds. Filled with rage, he allowed the devil’s ministering spirit to pollute his mind to kill his step-brother and executed his plan in the end by the hands of Absalom’s servants. Sequence completed – sowing = reap.

Dear Kings and Queens in the kingdom of God here on earth, how many times have you murdered God’s mercy by going back to that addiction, how many times have you raped God’s grace by harboring fetish desires for treasures that is not in God’s will for you, and for messengers and prophets of our time, when will you stop defiling God’s glory in you with your secret faults. We are all today’s king’s son on whom the reflection of the father should be seen and evident.

For Jonadab, King David’s brother – there will always be agents of the devil amongst us as he was instrumental in works of Absalom in the killing of his brother and single-handedly masterminded the rape of Tamar. Devious minds similar to the snake that cunningly misled Eve in the Garden of Eden!

Devotional Prayer Points

  • I shall not disappoint heaven in Jesus name
  • I shall not fail in my spiritual responsibilities in Jesus name
  • I shall not be reduced to a servant in the palace of my father in Jesus name
  • The signs of a King shall be evident in my life in Jesus name
  • I receive grace to rule over all situations in Jesus name

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook