Understanding what a Tenet is
Before I proceed, i want to bring our insight to the what the Constitution says :
The name of the church, the tenets and mode of worship of the church, and the service hymns of the church are all revealed through the Holy spirit as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:25) Section 91, page 29
One point to know is that the Tenet of the church was revealed and ordained by the holy spirit
Now, let’s see the meaning of a Tenet, a doctrine, a liturgy
A Tenet according to the simplest meaning is an opinion, a belief or principle, held to be true by someone.
From above, a Tenet is a belief that is established and confirmed, and trusted to be true.
What defines the Tenets of God from above:
A Tenet is given to only believers, those who believe, and is accepted to be true
Then what is the truth that we should believe? John 14v6, I am the way, the truth and the life.
Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.
This means a Tenet is a confirmed truth for believers whom have been set free.
A Tenet is the belief of the truth, and the truth is Jesus Christ, and the spirit of truth is the Holy spirit.
How can we confirm a Tenet of God:
Authenticity in the word of God, and it’s truth, and it’s confirmation by the holy spirit.
If a Tenet is a belief of truth, a truth can’t be known unless it is revealed.
The Truth Jesus Christ was, was revealed to Peter by the spirit of God as Christ, the Son of the Living God
This proves that there is no tenet without a revealed truth.
What is a Doctrine?
A Doctrine is simply a body of teaching, a belief or a Tenet
This implies that a doctrine is similar or same as a Tenet.
No doctrine or tenet can exist without Jesus Christ as it’s origin in Christendom.
A liturgy is the structure or order of service, a mode of worship guiding a place Our liturgy and all forms of worship in celestial church are entirely as revealed by the holy spirit. This includes the setting of the altar, and the seats therein, the number of candles used for the various types of services and the seating arrangement. Section 94, page 95 celestial constitution.
To dictate is to speak in order to write down the words meaning all the rules and regulations of CCC are written from the dictates from the mouth of God
All of the above have their foundation on the scriptures and their confirmation on the spirit of God.
Hence no tenet, liturgy, regulation, doctrine can come or be given unless it is established on the word of God, and confirmed by the spirit of God as true.
The Tenet of celestial church lays great emphasis and stress on the importance of holiness in character, in body and spirit. This agrees with the scriptures
Of great interest is the popular saying attributed to Saint SBJ Oshoffa, “Ofin(law) wa ni kaje mimo(be holy) , Eko(doctrine) wa ni ka ni irele(be humble) , Ilana (tenet) wipe Oba ni wa (we are Kings)
From the above, the Celestial tenet is summarised in this 3 scripturally and spiritual themes :.
Be Holy, Be Humble, You are a King.
Don’t let anyone bambooze you with any tenet or doctrine or rule that is not scripturally founded and spiritually confirmed.
All our tenets and doctrines have their scriptural reference and spiritual authenticity.
Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free
Finally, A Tenet is the instruction, construction and directive of God, clausing as a member of celestial church of Christ.
If you are not a member or associate of celestial church, it doesn’t hold you.
Don’t let tenet be like a bondage or a fetish practice or a five senses establishment that many have made it to be and look like.. Don’t be swayed by all the papasays flying in the air
The Tenet of celestial church aims to achieve cleanliness in body and soul. Just walk in holiness and you are good to go in celestial fold.
To be continued
By Tola Adele
That is great , keep the good work on sir , more grace in Jesus name