Things to do

Week 39: 24th Sep – 30th Sep (To Do List: 8 Things)

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To Do List: 8 Things

Week 39: 24th Sep – 30th Sep

Bible passage to read1st Thessalonians 5:14-23

Things to do, support the weak, be patient to all men, don’t render evil for evil, rejoice, pray without ceasing, give thanks, quench not the spirit, despise not prophesying’s, hold fast which is good, abstain from all appearance of evil.
Support the weak- Christians are expected to support others willingly; most especially the less privileged. There many ways to render a helping hand to the weak, example; encourage them with the worlds of God to strengthen their faith, provide for them in times of need, bring them to salvation, and most of all have a caring heart towards them and advise to also love their fellow brethren in every situation, Christians must play the role of a good Samaritan to other, this is the will God concerning Christians.
Be patient to all men- Patience is important in every situation, it’s a sign of Godliness. It requires a lot to be patient, but when you are familiar with the words of God patience comes natural. A true Christian most always be patient; lack of patience leads to distraction which can hinder us from fulfil God’s given assignment.
Don’t render evil for evil- Evil is the act wickedness, therefore you must despise all manner of evil. The Lord loves us, and his will for us is to love others, whenever you are tempted to take part in any evil act; remember the purpose Jesus Christ concerning you and I, he preached about love and laid his life on the cross for us.
Rejoice- Christians are meant to be continuously rejoicing in the lord, and encourage other to also rejoice; it is an act of appreciation, the apostle Paul encouraged the people to constantly rejoice “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4.4), Paul emphasized by saying “always” because rejoicing continuously will keep us closer to God. We must rejoice, regardless of our circumstances; even when things are difficult we must rejoice; it will strengthen our beliefs in Christ and put us at the mercy of God.
Pray without ceasing- A Christian is expected to pray continuously, it proves you believe and acknowledge God. Prayer is the greatest way to communicate with God, Jesus told his disciples “…pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1 NIV). Prayer is the solution to you problems, don’t be sloth in prayers, the Lord will definitely meet all your needs.
Give thanks – Thanksgiving is an important aspect of Christianity, it is a symbol of acknowledgment towards the wondrous work of God. The wise man would say “whoever is grateful to God will have more reason to gives thanks”, thank giving is an important aspect of worship “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Quench not the spirit-Embrace the Holy Spirit. A Christians will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit when he or she is immersed into Christ; therefore we must be devoted to ensure we receive the Holy Spirit, one of the benefit of having the Holy Spirit is that the Lord communicated to us through it.
Despise not prophesying’s- Acknowledge prophesy, because a prophets is a spoke person of God.
Hold fast which is good-Christians must embrace all that is good. The Lord his filled with good deeds and great intensions, you and I must imitate the Lord. When you allow good thoughts in your heart, people will welcome you into their lives and the Lord will accept you in his house. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9).

Devotional Prayer Points

  • Oh Lord, help me not to quench the Spirit in Jesus name
  • Oh Lord, help me to support the weak
  • Father, help me to patient when it is needed in Jesus name
  • Daddy, give me the grace not to revenge or think about it
  • I receive grace to pray without ceasing in Jesus name

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook