Week 21: May 21th – 27th (Rewards of Disobedience)
Rewards of Disobedience
Week 21: May 21th – 27th
Bible passage to read: Hosea 2:1 – 22
“If it does evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.” Jeremiah 18:10
Disobedience is known to be the act of foolishness and ignorance. Disobedience started from the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit; and ever since disobedience has been a serious problem in the world. Disobedience is the key that the devil used to divert Christians always from God right from their childhood and this is why the words of God encourages men to teach their children the ways of God right from their childhood “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 26:6).The devil reaches out to the fragile mind, to prevent him from having control over your life. You must use the words of God as a daily devotional. Brethren in Christ, embrace the words of God and you will realize that the knowledge to be obedience is deposited in you. Disobedience towards the word of God will hinder you from the Lord’s mercy and prevent you from getting to the kingdom of heaven.
The holy bible was written for the benefits of mankind, and the words in it are beautifully constructed to drag our attention and lead us in the appropriate direction, therefore it a must that we meditate on the word of God. Over the years, many have neglected the words of God to engage in ungodly acts. The majority of we humans find it difficult to read and practice the instructions given in the bible, the Lord has deposited wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in each person and we must make use of them, failure to do proves that you are irresponsible meaning you lack response to God’s given ability.
Disobedience leads to failure and eternal punishment. Many generations have passed by and plenty of people have refused to admit that the wages of sin are death and eternal punishment. To prevent you and me from eternal punishment; we must be obedient to ensure that we live a life that is according to the will of God. Obedient is the right path to the kingdom of heaven, but if you go against the commandments of God; you have literally chosen to be completely disobedient, which means you are disrespectful towards God and you do not value his greatness or his commandments. The Lord said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15) It is essential that you understand that disobedience is the main reason why most people fail to achieve their God’s given assignment because they have decided to move away from the light of God. The light of God gives men the appropriate direction to success and ability to live a humble and Godly life, but if you don’t embrace the light of God; you roam around in darkness and whatever take place in the dark is complete filth.
Brethren in Christ, it is high time you realize that the rewards of disobedience are unbearable, and in the process of been disobedience you string up the Lord’s anger, and if you refuse to change your ways you will definitely be found wanting on the day of judgment. Disobedience has no long-term benefits; it will only encourage you to be deceitful and to commit others such as adultery, fornication, stealing and forsaking God etc. “If ye are willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:” (Isaiah 1:19)
The book of Hosea 2:1-22, teaches us about sin, judgment, and restoration, therefore you must constantly have it at the back your minds that disobedience leads to sin, and failure to change will make you suffer greatly on judgment day and the wrath of God. Seek for his mercy you will definitely be restored.
Devotional Prayer Points
- I pray that I shall not make the same mistakes as my parents did in life in Jesus name
- Daddy, save me from the consequences of the sins of my fathers that I may be going through now in Jesus name
- Gracious Lord, give me the grace to obey you always in Jesus name
- Father, put in me a new heart and a new spirit to follow your will at all times in Jesus name
- Oh Lord, please liberate me from all bondages that I have created for myself due to disobedience in Jesus name
Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola
Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2