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Week 47: Nov 19th – Nov 25th (Prayer Works! )

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Prayer Works!

Week 47: Nov 19th – Nov 25th

Bible passage to read2nd Chronicles 20: 1-29

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16b
Jehoshaphat and Judah had no chance against the enemy in today’s passage because he was pitched against opposition that were physically and numerically stronger than him. In the end God won the battle in a mysterious manner. But does prayer really work? and why is it important to pray?

Christians all over the world call upon God with all sort of diverse languages and doctrines. This does not stop God from listening. The bible explains that God revels in the praise of his people; therefore it is good to catch the attention of God with praise before seeking from him answers and solutions to life issues. To be able to tap into God’s mercy, we need to seek him in praises not only when we are in need but at all times.

God does not just show up in your time of need or should be called upon like a superhero, he is a constant shelter and an unavoidable travel immensity in life’s journey through thick and thin. Jehoshaphat knew nothing else other the God to run to in the time need and he must have heard or read of what the God of Israel has done for them before their time of need.

Similarly for King David in(), he had just come back home to the valley of Ziklag where he left his family to embark on a battle against the Philistines but met nothing. His family had just been captured and taken away by the Midianites. Now the Midianites are notorious for enslaving women and children, raping same sex and repulsive idolaters! King David was really down in the pits and his people came to the point of stoning him to death but he knew the kind of God he served. In the end he spoke to God through his prophets and he got his family and possessions back.

Your communication medium to talk to God is by prayers; a personal relationship can only develop and grow when real communication exists. There is a difference between talking to someone like you know them really well and to speak to a stranger. Our father is always there to answer our prayers when we call upon him. Do you find yourself reply depressed at times? Find a good bible church and seek counselling but at the moment here is a prayer for you:

Devotional Prayer Points

  • Thank you, Lord, for all my answered Prayers in Jesus name
  • Give me the patience to wait for the rest to be answered in Jesus name
  • Give me the grace to pray without ceasing in Jesus name
  • Give me the grace to stand in for others in Jesus name
  • Oh Lord, advertise yourself through my testimonies in Jesus name

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook