Things to do

Week 26: June 25th – Jul 1st (True Growth)

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True Growth

Week 26: June 25th – Jul 1st

Bible passage to read: Luke 9: 23-25

Growth is a measure of development to something. It is a continuous development that is brought about by many factors.

The free Encyclopedia Wikipedia describes it as an increase in some quantity over a period of time. Depending on the subject matter under discussion, this quantity may be physical, financial, scientific or spiritual.

Scientifically, Growth can be described as an increase in the size of an organism or part of an organism, usually as a result of an increase in the number of cells. The growth of an organism may stop at maturity, as in the case of humans and other mammals, or it may continue throughout life, as in many plants. In humans, certain body parts, like hair and nails, continue to grow throughout life.

Unlike the irreversible development that is attributed to growth in the field of science, financial growth can be reversible. And this is what the world experienced in the face of economic recession.

However, none of these worldly definitions can perfectly describe growth in the spiritual realm. Spiritual growth is a development in the things of the Spirit. It does not have to deal with any part of the body except the spirit. Spiritual maturity enhances receptivity from God. Samuel did not need to go and meet Eli again when he became mature in the spirit; rather, he was able to discern what the Lord is saying.

God’s desire for us as his children is that our “mustard seed faith” will grow into a big tree with a lot of branches and will be fruitful enough to feed other people. In order words, God wants us to be irreversible in our spiritual growth, he wants us to grow from baby Christians to mature children of God. This is the true growth.

Some of the factors that enhance spiritual growth are; studying of the word, meditating the word and fellowshipping with God’s People. Take your time out to study the word of God daily (2nd Timothy 2:15); spend quality time with God and stop gossiping or arguing (2nd Timothy 2:16-17). Don’t just read, study until you understand and meditate the word that you have studied.

The Psalmist says that blessed is the man who does not fellowship with wrong People (Psalms 1). Watch your friends and try to run away from the people who will retard your spiritual growth. Wrong people can be identified by their testimonies; remember that good trees always produce good fruits.

I once ran away from some friends sometimes ago because they do not have good testimonies to share with me. When they wake up in the morning, they start the day by talking about the ladies who they once slept with. They talk about it with so much pride. When I realized that their testimonies and their ways of life were about to be influencing me, I ran away.

Relationships are infectious, run away from evil companies, fellowship with children of God in a Bible believing Church and continue to enjoy the fullness of joy. May heaven supply you with all necessary factors as that you need to grow even as you desire to grow in Christ. It is well with you

Devotional Prayer Points

  • I choose to grow spiritually in Jesus name
  • All hindrances that are preventing my spiritual maturity shall begin to give way in Jesus name.
  • My spiritual growth shall be irreversible in Jesus name.
  • I shall not be redundant in my spiritual growth in Jesus name
  • All the waters of spiritual stagnancy in my life shall begin to flow in Jesus name.

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook