Week 30: Jul 23rd – 29th (Working with God)

Week 30: Jul 23rd – 29th (Working with God)

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Working with God

Week 30: Jul 23rd – 29th

Bible passage to read: 1 Chronicles.27:23

“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

Proverbs 14:23

The Lord made a promise to Abraham that he would increase the Israelites as many as the stars in heaven, and as many as the star are, they can never be counted. The Lord gave this promise to Abraham about 1000 years before David’s generation (Genesis 15.5), because David believes that the God has a covenant and commitment to keep; he did not count those who were 20 years of age and under. Before the promise of God can come to pass in your life, you must diligently work with him and strengthen yourself in him. The Lord our God is great and he is most worthy of our praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Psalm 145:3. Have you ever considered working for God or are you willing to work for God?


There are various ways of working for God, examples teaching the gospel, providing physical or financial help to the house of God and the poor, etc., To be a worker of God it is mandatory to first, examine yourself. Now ask yourselves this questions: Am I willing to expect the Lord as my God and personal savior?; Am I ready to be a born again?; Can I devote myself to God and put a stop to all evil things going on around me? If you strongly believe you can, I congratulate you as a new worker of God and I assure you that the Lord and his anointed workers are willing to support you through your walk with God.  The bible says: “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his step.” – Proverb 16:9

When a man or woman decides to work for God; he or she has made a great decision that requires great responsibilities and as far as you are committed to working for God, you will definitely reap a bountiful harvest because the work of God is seed that must be sowed into people life and the water it needs is commitment. Once you have chosen to work for God with full commitment you have made a decision that will leave you distinguished like the wise man will say “the choice you make in life would either make you or break you”, the decision to work for God will definitely place you in position of comfort, you will be at peace “when a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him” Proverb 16:7; and it will make a room for you in heaven.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.  Psalms 23:6

The primary reason why it is important to be committed when working for God, is to ensure that you are fit to be presented has a positive role model; to people who want to know God and to grant you access to the kingdom of heaven. A worker of God you most present yourself as a visually appealing product packaging that is a target to a specific group of consumers meaning people in the world should able to look at you and identify God, which is why you must position yourself as a representative of God.


In the process of working for God put out all manners of laziness away: “Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids” Proverb 6:4; do not sleep nor slumber. You must take the work of God extremely serious to ensure that your primary purpose as a Christian and a worker of God is fulfilled. Remember you are a ‘packaging product’ that is designed to attract people. Your aim has a worker of God is to spearhead the gospel and recruit lost souls into the house of God, and as you do so may the Lord strengthen you.

Devotional Prayer Points

  • Lord, increase my establishments like the star of heaven.
  • Lord, give me the will to work for you.
  • Lord, teach me how to come a positive role model to other.
  • Lord, prevent me of distractions.
  • Father, deliver me from all manner of laziness.

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook