Day 3: A Powerful Body

Day 3: A Powerful Body

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[pullquote]Proverbs 31:14-15 She is like a seagoing ship that brings her food from far away. She rises while it is still night, preparing meals for her family and providing for her women servants..
[/pullquote] And how, we wonder, does the Proverbs 31 woman do all that God desires of her?

When we turn over the “coin of definition” we clearly see that her life requires physical energy and vigorous.

Observe the beautiful and strong Proverbs 31 woman at work:

  • She works willingly with her hands (Proverbs 31:13)
  • Those willing hands plant a vineyard (verse 16)
  • They also operate a spindle and distaff (verse 19)
  • She works from early in the morning (verse 15) until late at night (verse 18)
  • She nurses the needy (verse 20)
  • She weaves the cloth for her family’s clothes (verse 21), for her household needs (verse 22), for her own clothing (verse 22), and for sale as a professional (verse 24)
  • Never idle, she watches over and builds her home (verse 27)

This virtuous and very industrious woman needs physical strength and ability to do the work of her life, the work of love.

Author: Sis. Temitayo Taiwo

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