Week 46: Nov 12th – Nov 18th (Dealing with Anger )

Week 46: Nov 12th – Nov 18th (Dealing with Anger )

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Dealing with Anger

Week 46: Nov 12th – Nov 18th

Bible passage to read: Ephesians 4:26-27

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed” James 5:16a
Anger is one of the seven deadliest sins that the book of proverbs talked about. It is an instrument that the devil uses to bring out the worse in an individual. The devil uses anger as a tool to destroy and break lives and livelihood. It can cause a person to lose a lot of important things such as family, friends and jobs. And it even made some people miss their Promise Land. What a catastrophe!
There are different causes of anger; some are worth it but some can only be referred to as foolish reasons. Anger can generate from emotional hurt, inner emptiness or a broken heart. Anger can also arise from incessant unforgiving spirit and depression that is often termed as transfer of aggression. Whatever is the reason for your anger, the most important question that needs quick answer is this; what causes your anger? What makes you get angry and how often does it make you go “haywire”?
I became a leader in our fellowship before i gave my life to Christ. So, i still harbored some hidden sins while i lead the children of God. One of those terrible sins was anger. I just cannot control it then because the Holy Spirit was not filled up in me. I always end up been frustrated after each executive council meeting as i usually find it difficult to let go of every argument without getting angry.
Just like me, majority of Christians try to control their anger by themselves but all to no avail. You can’t control yourself unless you give the Holy Spirit the chance to do so. You need to surrender yourself to Jesus and let God work on you perfectly. Allow God to break you and remold you or else you will be frustrated every day.
I was miserable during my period of self-control. What a retched sinner i was, all my efforts to control my anger always end up in futility. I was seriously helpless until the Holy Spirit came to my rescue and began to control me gradually. At first, God made me to see myself as a helpless believer, then he gave me the permission to come to him in humility and he now showed himself to me supernaturally. What an awesome God.
I don’t expect my story to surprise you. Just like what is happening in our Churches today where people are been decorated with Positions and yet they have little knowledge of God. Don’t let your cloth or rank deceive you into seeing yourself beyond how God placed you. You are still a man before God. Humble yourself under the mighty hands of God and never give your heart to foolishness. Always remember that Anger lies in the belly of fools.
As Christians we have to take a step back and look at ourselves honestly and allow God to speak into our situation. The best way to deal with anger is through meditation with the words of God. Having trust in those words can also help to respond effectively to anger. Another way anger can be dealt with is through speaking to someone about the reasons for getting angry. Don’t be in a rush to answer people. Speak less, listen more. Observe and let others do the shouting. And lastly, stop reacting to all foolish talks and roaming gossips about you. Remember that those who talk behind you can never be greater than you; they will always be at your back for life. Don’t be stupid enough to join them at your back, let them remain there for that is why they choose to belong!


Devotional Prayer Points

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook