Things to do

Week 17: Apr 23rd – 29th (Thou shall have no other gods)

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Thou shall have no other gods

Week 17: Apr 23rd – 29th

Bible passage to read: Exodus 20, Exodus 32


“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” James 2:19

I have just signed up to a new mobile phone service contract and the device actually looks perfect for all my daily needs but going through the packaging, I can see a small book from the cell phone provider. It says Terms and Conditions. I quite understand the first paragraph which is easy to read and states my rights to a certain amount of usage of the phone and length of my agreement but I have great difficulty in reading the remainder of the ten-page document as it is in “small print” which is more difficult to read. In the small print, I can find that the phone is not yet my property until I finish payment on the eighteen months contract and lots of other important details that most users do not bother with.


On the contrary, what the God of Israel wants from yourself and myself is clearly stated in the Ten Commandments. It is clearly stated and repeated across the bible. Numbers 23:19 says “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”


It is well known in human nature that when we intend to say a lot of things to family and friends or communicate for long hours, we always put across the most important information that is relevant to the subject matter and then other related information would follow. Similarly with God, the first of the laws of God to us is that we should not ‘serve’ any other ‘gods’ apart from himself – Jehovah, The Holy one of Israel. The relationship between God and Man had started long before the Ten Commandments were given to Moses. There was an agreement that: “And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.” Exodus 6:7. No agreement is binding without a contract that explains the terms and conditions of the relationship between two or more parties and God recognized this very early –he had to take a firm action as he knew the children of Israel had not only been enslaved for years but also gathered habits and knowledge on worshipping idol and other Egyptian gods during their years in bondage.


Today, God is reaching out to you, through this medium, to remind you of the binding contract that he had with our fathers, in which we are covered.  It is clearly up to you to abide by the terms and conditions that come along with the grace and mercy that never changes with our God, the beginning, and the end.


Wearing white garment to church on church service days is one of God’s tenets to Celestians and other Christians around the world but it means absolutely nothing to God if you continue to be called a child of God and not abide by your creator’s terms and conditions.

Devotional Prayer Points

  • Oh Lord, give me the confidence to be bold when needed and gentle when you desire in Jesus name.
  • Oh Lord, create in me a gentle heart to serve you and my neighbours
  • Dear Father, I pray that you will give me a humble heart to take to corrections
  • Father, destroy the spirit of “self” in me
  • Holy Spirit, feel me to the brim so that I can always do the will of the father in Jesus name.

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook