The Woman’s Curse or double-fold blessing?

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Bible Text: Proverbs 18:22 ‘He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favour from the Lord’.

Where are my ladies at? Pure joy flows from within typing this. I’m here again o. Let’s learn together. Well, I was reading through a particular book about women and waiting for the right person when something struck from the book. Here it is: “God knows that you will never be complete until you really understand that you are complete in Jesus.”

If you’ve been following my last two posts about being ‘Whole’ maybe you’d better understand what point I am trying to drive home here. You are complete, or better yet, you must be complete in Christ before anything else.

What then does it mean to be incomplete? Incompleteness is not the result of being single, but of not being full of Jesus. That’s why we must constantly (both men and women) be in a state of wholeness to Jesus ALL THE TIME! Only in this process will you realise that in Him, you are complete. 

You know there’s this popular cliché of “You complete me” in a lot of romantic-love story-highschool-cinderella type of movies where the guy just whooshes by and says it softly to the lady in her ear “You complete me”. It is a big lie o. Please Wake Up Already!

When two incomplete singles get married, their union will not make them complete. Yeah, read that again. Their marriage will simply be two incomplete people trying to find completeness in one another.

Sweetness, you were not created to COMPLETE another but to COMPLEMENT. Simply put, completion is Jesus’ responsibility and complementing is a woman’s privilege (Jackie Kendall). Besides, there is no such thing as partial completeness. So, a lady who is not fully complete in Jesus will be a drain on her husband. That’s when we start to have disappointments from our big list of expectations because such a lady will expect her husband to fill the gap only Jesus can fill.

Gen 2:18 ‘The lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” The man was created separately and completely. Adam was created a complete man (not half) and his wife Eve, complemented as His helpmeet. 

Only the single woman who understands this meaning of being complete in Jesus is mature enough to be a helpmeet (complement). Colossians 2:10 “And in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.” 

In all of these things, there is the place of prayer. Draw near to God and as Isaiah 55:6 puts it “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while he is near.” So many people wait until they meet ‘the One’ before embarking on prayers such as this. No! Start now. Ask the Lord right now to begin this process of revealing to your heart the reality of your fullness in Him. God Loves You.

Author: Mary Odunayo

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