The story of how a woman became poor after Adult Harvest and another became rich

The story of how a woman became poor after Adult Harvest and another became rich

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The celebration of Adult Harvest and Thanksgiving Service in Celestial Church of Christ is known to be a time when members rejoice and feast, although some members believe otherwise. On harvest days, which is on Sundays, visitors both known and unknown, invited and non invited are always present to grace the occasion.

These visitors are expected to be served with food and soft drinks by the members of the parish observing the harvest, whether they are known to them or not. This story best describe how we should treat visitors during the harvest of our parishes. It’s important we learn from the story below.

Some years back an uninvited male guest, arrived at a parish during the Sunday Harvest Thanksgiving Service. He arrived at a time when everywhere was boisterous, as food were being served and the sound of joyous sounds filled the church premises.

This male guest proceeded to request for food from a wealthy female member of the church who was ordering that meals should be served to her invited guests. However, this female member did not obliged to the request of this male guest, despite appealing to her a number of times. The guest then quietly sat somewhere within the church premises with the hope that he will be remembered by the wealthy member.

As he was waiting, he was sighted by another woman, who works as a cleaner. This woman is poor, but she took it upon herself to get a plate of meal for this guest who never requested for food from her. Then she added a chilled bottle of soft drink to it. Then she went her way doing other things. [pullquote]The prophet then proceeded to declare that God has decided to give the wealth of the wealthy woman to the poor woman and wretchedness to the rich woman, because the poor woman entertained an angel who came inform of a human to the ceremony.[/pullquote]

Some minutes later, she passed by only to observe that the guest had gone but he left the meal and drink untouched. This poor woman was worried and surprised by the actions of the man. She decided to search for the guest, but she could not locate him. After several attempt, she gave up.

The Sunday after the harvest, the wealthy woman and the poor woman were given a spiritual message simultaneously by a visiting prophet in the mercyland of the parish. The prophet narrated the event of the harvest day and how the guest was denied a meal and how he was later served.

The prophet then proceeded to declare that God has decided to give the wealth of the wealthy woman to the poor woman and wretchedness to the rich woman, because the poor woman entertained an angel who came inform of a human to the ceremony. It all looked like a joke, but by the following year the prophecy came to pass.

For those whose parish have observed her harvest ceremonies, you may need to work on taking care of the need of almost everyone present in future harvests of your parish and for those who are yet to observe theirs, congratulations. You have ample of time to work on plans that will ensure that visitors both known and unknown are taken care of.

We conclude this post with Hebrews 13:2 (NIV) – Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

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  1. Wow!. A big lesson for us, not only for harvest day but for our daily lives – God loves it when we give, to strangers, to those close to us, to anyone. Thank you for the words of wisdom and for sharing this story. God bless