Week 52: Dec 24th – 30th (Peace Messenger )
Peace Messenger
Week 52: Dec 24th – Dec 30th
Bible passage to read: Isaiah 6
“ For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
”The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ marks the beginning of a journey, a journey of a life of sacrifice to all of mankind. This is unarguably the most expensive gift offered and ever to be offered, the requirement for a blood sacrifice for the redemption of our sin is also mentioned in the book of Hebrew 9: 13 – 14, also, the book of Matthew 26: 28 confirmed Jesus Christ offered Himself for that sacrifice to be made. So as we celebrate His birth we must make a decision, swift and decisive decision, just like He had made when he chose to leave his heavenly splendour in order to come into this sinful world to redeem us from our sins. Let us be mindful of the severity of missing this great opportunity, the opportunity will be missed if we do not take full advantage of this gift.
The only way to record a loss in this arrangement is for anyone to receive this offer and fail to accept the gift, definitely not the sender, for He has already made the sacrifice, He had been born, He had suffered, He had been crucified, He had risen from the dead as well, then returned to heaven to make ready a place for us where we are expected to return after the final judgement. Therefore, the ball is in our court, we have a decision to make, to accept or refuse this free offer of a gift,
While celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we are to be mindful of the main purpose of His birth, and be ready to make a swift and decisive decision just as He had made when He chose to sacrifice himself for our sins. If we have already made this decision, it is then our duty to spread this message to others who are yet to hear about it.
And finally, as Jesus has lived and died for our sins, so it is required of us to put to death the deeds of our sinful flesh (Colossians 3: 5), so we can rise again in fullness of His glory accomplish the promise that resides thereof.
Permanent Secretaries work very hard on assignments because they know that by the end of the month they will get a pay check with probably a fat bonus at the side. On the contrary, workers in the body of Christ are not supposed to have the mindset of waiting for a earthly reward but God’s blessing. Now, God will not typically descend from heaven to bless the Levites in our midst, he will use yourself or myself to bless the church and once you do so, you indirectly help God in blessing his workers and that is why bible calls these such blessings that you transmit to the men of God “pressed down” – meaning blessings that last a long time.
At this time of the year, identify God’s Peace Messenger in the body of Christ and bless them.
Devotional Prayer Points
- Oh Lord, thank you for your grace over my life
- Father, destroy the spirit of pride in me in Jesus name
- Make me to be usable by you in Jesus name
- Oh Lord, make me to see myself the way you see me in Jesus name
- Father, help me not to be distracted out of my way to glory in Jesus name
Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola
Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2