How moderate is your moderate?
Perception is essential in life’s undertakings, as it drives the outlook that form the description of an image that is seen or imagined.
Perception is often interrupted by perspective or frame of reference, as this influences the choice of words employed in narrating the charisma accorded to a person from a distance even before getting much of a chance to speak the simple word – “Hello.”
There are ethical standards and norms for a place of worship that the sense of reason should usually buy into rather than the comfort of individual perspective or preference. These ethics are in no way dependent on what denomination partakes in this worship.
Worship has different definitions but these definitions are substantiated by “who” is being worshiped and “why.” To cut to the chase, certain aspects of the presentation of ourselves in the worship place causes the eyebrows to raise effortlessly.
Having a wonderful physique and body build is one thing, adorning your physique with appropriate accessories that highlight its radiance and beaming allure is another. The bane of this discourse is Moderation and Decency. These are not mere words but should be a practice for everyday life.
This does not pertain to women only, men also get to think they can get away with a lot. This might not necessarily be due to ignorance but tilts more towards a mindset that women are the most fashion-conscious human creatures, and as a result, lenses of scrutiny regarding appearance should only pertain to them.
What about the way men tie their loin way beneath their waist? Are we sagging with loins now? What about the attitude of leaving your garments unbuttoned by the shoulder? What about the exposure of your undergarments (sometimes boxers peeping) through that sheer sutana fabric?
Did I strike a chord? Oh yes, I think I did! This issue of transparent garments again!!! Both genders are culprits of this act and it is pitiful that there isn’t an active fashion police crew set up to monitor affairs regarding how the sutana is being abused. Yes, it is a form of abuse in itself. Before this C.C.C fashion police crew is officially launched, why don’t you do a bit of self-evaluation and reflection?
As individuals who are advocates of the Celestial fold, we speak against the misuse of our sutana for inappropriate movie scenes that portray the image of the church wrongly, for comedy skits and for casual irrelevancy. We love to have our sutana treated with respect out there but we forget that we, as members of the fold treat our sutana with utmost disrespect. How so? You put on your sutana cap but decided to slay the edges of your hair with gel and reveal that outside the cap; you wear a see-through sutana and the onlooker can make out your lingerie, separate from your inner under garment, and the length of your camisole is very apparent because your thighs and legs are right there presented to be seen.
Okay, let us give ourselves a break right there. You already know where I am headed with this. Our mothers, sisters, ladies, girls, this sutana of ours is not a costume. It is a garment for worship, a garment of glory. How is worship effective when more than half of the men at the male side of the church are distracted by what they can see? Imagine yourself being asked if you came to worship or if you came to seduce? You do not want to be a temptress, and be the reason why that father, brother, lad or boy at the other side fell for the temptation of lust of the eyes.
Looking good does not have to be provocative. What about the coat of many sparkling and shimmering colours hanging through capes, loins and loin strands? The sutana capes have laces attached to them that seem like all the sequins to be used on ten different sutana are attached to one single lace patch…on top of that, the sutana ends up looking more like a coat of many colors than a white garment.
Looking good is fantastic but it can be moderate and decent, not blindfolding. The church with these sort of garments is beginning to look like a disco house or a theatre for elaborate costumes. We have left outsiders who are not members of the fold with no other choice but to diminish the value of our precious sutana, as well as wonder if we truly worship in the church or conduct auditions for broadway. This is complemented by the type of makeup worn to church. The widely acclaimed makeup look worn for parties is not usually fit for church service. Granted there are dynamics in the makeup world but being moderate with the colors would not hurt. Natural makeup looks do exist.
Do I hear you say that the Lord is more concerned about the heart and not the outward appearance? You also would like to elaborate by saying that those people who seem on point with the practice of moderacy in their outward appearance might have a heart that inhabits the seven things that the Lord hates but seem “saintly” on the outside.
You might be right but do not forget that it is not in your place to judge, as you will find yourself on the judgment seat at some point.
As a matter of fact, every individual eventually gets to be on the seat of judgment someday – the actual seat.
This really is not the bone of contention. Worship demands a total package of you not a partial package. So, why don’t we focus on you; the part you play in your appearance and the power you have to make or mar it. Marring your appearance could be “unconsciously” done through conscious decisions you make due to the attitude of not giving two hoots about what people say or think. Of course, you as the dresser cannot control the thoughts of the onlooker or how he or she decides to process your outfit or look but play your part in infusing moderacy and decency to your dress sense.
This is by no means a charge to have you look morose or melancholic to church for service. You can dress beautiful/handsome and look elegant without communicating the wrong message. What toxic materials are you diffusing into the atmosphere of worship with your presence and appearance? The way you are dressed for church, if ten other people dress that way, does it make the church seem like a place of worship or a runaway? Be conscious!
I thanked God Almighty for your wisdom. Now, I know that this Church will not fade away in its purpose for mankind. The dressing and the way most of the parish deviate from CCC mode of worship has been a concern for those of us who grew up in this fold,during my growing up in this Church, I witnessed the fear of God in the life of our father’s in Christ. But this days there is no difference between the father in Christ and the children in Christ. That is why I said in my introduction that I thanked God Almighty for your wisdom. May the Lord Almighty continues to be with you and His fold.