Cravings: Wants or need?

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So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.Romans 9:16
There is a particular trend online in regards to relationships that have failed to drive home one important lesson of ‘not every good thing is good for you.’ That word is hash tagged as “GOALS”. For instance, when we see something belonging to someone else that we would like to have we change to this puppy face and meow as a cat with the ‘awwwnnn’ expression. Next thing you see is the hashtag goals!!! What exactly is this ‘goal’ and how does it solve or worsen our relationships?

Cravings, according to research will only satisfy a particular want. Take for example, if I crave for KrispyKreme Doughnuts and I look for every means possible to get it, it does not stop me from getting something filling like Garri and Edikaikong the next minute I am hungry.
That craving did not solve what I really needed in the long run. Why? It was what I wanted as opposed to what my body needed (I was still going to eat other food that I would love and would be totally filling).
In our relationships with people, there is this vain thing we do whereby we crave for “picture-perfect relationships” instead of working on ours! How terrible is that?

[pullquote]To each man, talents were given; the foolish one buried it because He craved for what others want[/pullquote]. He didn’t even search for ways to make the best put of that which he had been given. The wise ones however, found it was not enough but it didn’t stop them from still building on it to have more exhibits for their master upon His arrival.
I think it’s high time we realize that craving for what God has not predestined for us, is not only losing focus on God’s word but simply a waste of time and misplacement of priorities.
God has given us a huge deposit of raw materials that we fail to see the potential of or build on; due to our cravings for finished products. Either for business or in relationships, the slogan is ‘Start where you are with what you have.’

Whatever physical or spiritual craving you have (the sweet relationship you crave, that beautiful marriage you would love to be yours, that family you are envious of, that woman or man of God you crave for their burning desire for God, that business you see thriving and you want; whatever good thing that you crave for so bad) know that the people involved actually took out time, energy, love and dedication to make it work. Therefore, focus on yours too and make it work.

It is also quite unfortunate that in the course of our cravings, we do many things wrong, because we’d usually want to give whatever we have to get it (it’s like an obsessive compulsive disorder).
A lot of relationships are broken today, because we force our will and cravings upon it. Many others think, through spiritual consultations and evil spells things will definitely go according to their plans. Know this today; God will not give you what He has not willed for you! {Even if you force it, it will not last}.

A preacher said some time ago that God does not give ‘half-baked glory’ because He knows it’d harm you and His thoughts for your life is to give you a future and a hope!
It would interest you to know today that, not every good thing is good for you! See where the cravings of Cain got him. He had to kill his own brother because of his selfish desires. Esau craved for the attention and love Jacob got from their father and his mother helped him in stealing the blessings meant for Jacob which got him nothing but troubles in the end! (Besides, many people still attest to the fact that Jacob lost his birthright because of his craving for porridge).

The word of God says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and he’d make your path straight. Is that craving what you need or just a fluctuating want (desires)?
Let’s open our eyes and ears to see and listen to what God is saying to us! Our God is not a God of terror as many think; He is rich in love and mercy! He doesn’t even want to see you suffer or lack, He work with sufficiency (see Philippians 4:19). Can we just approach His throne of mercy and ask in His name that His will be done, that we might receive that which we truly need to give us the desired end?

Author: Mary Odunayo

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