Christians from Russia head to four remote Mongolian provinces where few have heard the message of Christ’s love.

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Russian Christians
©CBN News

Russian pastor and missionary Pavel Barsokov leads a mission of spreading the gospel to those who have not yet heard it. He says, “What I am attempting to do is raise a new generation of Russian believers who will have an understanding of Christ’s love for the world and the role they must play in bringing that Good News to the un-reached.”
In an interview with CBN News, Barsokov explained that “The heart of my Lord Jesus Christ is for the lost and hurting, I want to have the same heart. From my home in Krasnoyarsk, Russia to Ulaangom, Mongolia is about 900 miles,” Barsokov said. “It takes almost two days driving by road and it is not an easy journey.”
Barsokov joins other Russian, Ukrainian & Mongolian believers as they worship God while driving through Mongolian grasslands. Spreading the gospel does not come without its trials. “We have experienced numerous challenges and many hardships as we try to bring God’s love to the remote areas of Mongolia,” he added.

[pullquote]“The heart of my Lord Jesus Christ is for the lost and hurting,” Barsokov told CBN News. “I want to have the same heart.”[/pullquote] Each time he comes to Mongolia, he brings with him young Russian Christians trained and equipped to serve as possible missionaries and evangelists. Alena Barsokov explained that she was called to be a missionary at a young age. “When I was 9 years old I read a book about a missionary in a foreign country and since then I have had this burning desire to share God’s love with people who have never heard it before,” she says.
For several weeks, Alena and four-dozen other Russians partnered with Mongolian Christians to hold evangelistic camps for young people in remote regions of the country. Michael Cherenkov clarified that Mongolia is “still one of the most un-reached places in the world. “Sometimes we think that people around the world know about Jesus, but there are places like this that haven’t been touched by the gospel and that’s why we are here, changing one life at a time,” said Cherenkov.
There is no doubt that the works of these Christians are effective. One case is like that of 22-year-old Buyanaa Davaasambuu who accepted Christ while attending one of the evangelistic camps as a little girl. Davaasambuu graduated from Bible college in May and is preparing to go on the mission field. For others like 16-year-old Mashbat Bassan, a Buddhist, his first time learning about Christianity was at one of the camps. “Before coming to this camp, I never heard about God,” said Baasan. “I learned in the Bible study today that this God created the heavens and the earth, the animals and creatures of the sea. I never knew of these stories before. But now my heart has changed and I’ve learned so much more about Christianity.”

Author: Damilola Bolaji

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