Week 15: Apr 9th – 15th (Buried and Rooted in Christ)
Buried and Rooted in Christ
Week 15: Apr 9th – 15th
Bible passage to read: Colossians 2:7, 11-12
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
A believer and his faith are likened to a tree and its root. The ability of a tree to survive even when significant damages have been done to its branches and even stem resides in its roots, the tree’s far-reaching roots continue to tap resources buried far beneath the earth, keeping the tree alive. So when the Apostle Paul urged the believer to be ‘’ rooted and built up in him (Christ)……’’ in Colossians 2: 7, he must be proposing the same level of reliability and fortitude that resides in a deeply rooted tree.Equally worthy of mention is the fact that a tree does not develop its remarkable strengths just overnight, it is a gradual process, a process that has a beginning. The same verse, Colossians 2: 7, further stresses on this view when it says ‘’….strengthened in the faith as you were taught……’’ for when a true believer is filled with understanding of the true doctrine of Christ, he or she will be spiritually strengthened well enough to withstand strange doctrines.
This also suggests the possibility of one equally being deeply rooted in ignorance or false and wrongful teachings, the knowledge of the true teachings will prevent a believer from being blown away by false teaching. Which brings us back to the phrase ‘’……deeply rooted in Christ…….’’. So believe it or not, there are false doctrine out there, and do not expect for a minute that these false doctrines are being taught by some sinister preachers in some openly evil church clearly marked ‘’Church of Satan’’, not really! These are false teachers who will most likely teach from the scripture and claim to be of Christ, but the book of Matthew 7: 20 says: ‘’ Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them’’, in fact, Jesus Christ went further to elaborate on this in the book of Luke 6: 44 when He said; ‘’ Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thorn bushes or grapes from briers’’
To be deeply rooted in Christ takes a steady and gradual process, not necessarily slow process. This process requires the believer to deeply immerse in the true teaching of Christ.
A believer must be wary of false teachers out there with their false teachings, engaging in the doctrines of false teaching must be avoided, believe it or not, this is happening even today in many denominations.
Dear God! Please teach us your true and everlasting word, for as you are true and everlasting, so is your word, create in us a heart that will forever accommodate this everlasting truthfulness.
Also bless us with the divine knowledge that enables us to identify false teachers of the word when we see one, to prevent us from being blown away by the false doctrine that comes forth from their mouth.
Finally, God, bury our roots deeply in the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, for as long as your words live so will our roots be forever nourished.
Devotional Prayer Points
- I am firmly rooted in Christ, no affairs of this world shall be able to destroy me in Jesus name
- Jesus is the Vine and am one of the branches, I refuse to wither away in Jesus name
- Oh lord water me from heaven and firmly solidify my rooting in you in Jesus name.
- The same power that works at the resurrection of Christ shall raise all my buried glory in Jesus name
- Listen very well Satan, I have gone too long on this journey with Christ, I cannot and I shall not return in Jesus name
Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola
Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2