Week 23: June 4th – 10th (Steadfastness)

Week 23: June 4th – 10th (Steadfastness)

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Week 23: June 4th – 10th

Bible passage to read: Numbers 23:19, Philippians 4:1, Job 11:13-15

Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said:

“Who am I, Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?

According to the dictionary, to be steadfast means to be resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. Religiously speaking, this definition is not unconnected with our faith as Christians especially at this end time when the issue of backsliding is raising up its ugly head like never before in the lives of God’s children.

It was not easy to be steadfast in the things of the Lord during the times of the biblical Apostles. One of the reasons for this was that the majority of the people living then do not believe that Jesus was the messiah, so it was generally perceived that anyone who believes in the theory of salvation is not only crazy but blasphemous and therefore should be condemned to death.

Hence, heaven regards people like Peter, John, and Paul of the old as their own citizens. In fact, they were the most special people to heaven as at then because they remained the only hope through which the news of salvation can reach all men. This awareness helps them the more to face trials and tribulations without self-pity, they carried their cross with jubilations even when they are in pains and they defy all human criticisms (2nd Corinthians 4:8-10). In short, they were firmly rooted in Christ till the end.

These people evangelized to the world through their steadfast Christian characters, teachings, and attitudes. They knew they were associated with heaven and everyone call them by the name of Christ. So they were aware of what they carry. Therefore, it was not easy for them to drop the standard; they simply saw no reason why they should be associated with iniquities (2nd Timothy 2:19).

These patriarchs of old laid the standard that is acceptable by heavens. As Christians, we have no excuse to live a life lower than that of God’s standard. Our position in God is supposed not to be controlled by people, situations or reasons (Romans 8:35-39). Always remember that Jesus died for us at a time when it was not easy for heaven to release him. Yet he ignored the pains and presented himself as a sacrifice, walking steadfastly in the path of salvation until he reconciled all of us back to the father.

God dislikes lukewarm Christians. This is the reason why he desires us to be hot for him at all times without growing cold for a moment. He wants us to stand fast in the liberty that he has given to us from the beginning to the end (Galatians 5:1) without wavering back into bondage. When we look back, we give the devil the chance to have a say in the issues of our lives. At these testing times, the best option for you is to remain focused and walk perfectly in the law of liberty.

Let your love for Christ grow so much that your motto will remain; “never to give up”. Give your 100% contribution to God’s work, evangelize, contribute generously to church finances, support the clergymen as if they are sent from God and keep to your personal fellowship with God steadily without interruption.

Always remember that the hosts of heaven are looking forward to you to finish this race successfully (Hebrews 12:1). Don’t disappoint God, keep the flag blowing, give in your best in this race and remain spotless to the end. May the Lord give you the grace to remain steadfast in him and his works in Jesus name

Devotional Prayer Points

  • Oh lord, give me the grace to finish the race of life with you in Jesus name.
  • Father, help me to identify distractions of life and guide me to run away from them in Jesus name
  • Heavenly daddy, please dissociate me from any friendship that may lead to my destruction in Jesus name.
  • I am an ambassador of heaven; I will not be a disappointment to God in Jesus name.
  • Oh lord, please prepare me to be fit for the last marriage of the lamb.

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook