Week 16: Apr 16th – 22rd (Building Trust Bonds with God)

Week 16: Apr 16th – 22rd (Building Trust Bonds with God)

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Building Trust Bonds with God (Transparency)

Week 16: Apr 16th – 22nd

Bible passage to read: James 5:17, 1st Corinthians 15:9, 1st Timothy 1:15


“Then the LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?” Genesis 18:17-18

To be able to develop ‘trust bonds’ with God, we have to be able to demonstrate absolute efficiency in all righteousness towards God and also be able to disgrace the power of the enemy with the amount of faith in us that God is God and he is forever mightier than any situation that could cause worry or displeasure to our life. One thing is clear: Rome was not built in a day, and similarly when God apportions us grace, he is waiting to see how we will use his grace in our life. Like in the parable of Jesus Christ, when God gives us blessings, he waits for our returns in order to decide if we will progress, remain the same or be demoted.

Transparency means being able to see through. You are not being asked to be perfect in an instant here, rather, it is a reminder that we should begin to build trust bonds with God by being open and reliable vessels worth boasting of, instruments that the father would proudly admonish. Daniel’s transparency made God explain (through Arc angel Michael) why his prayer was delayed. He was promised results but did not see the manifestation of God’s verdict and God that sees his heart was transparent enough to explain why his answers were delayed. Sometimes we go through stuff in life that makes us want us question reason some things are done in a manner.

We sometimes tend to look at the story of Job, the bible confirms the presence of Satan in the midst of the children of God, and push it aside with the usual ‘we have heard it all before’ attitude. God has given man a free will to choose the path you would like to walk in. God knows us so much that he knows what would happen to our seeds in a thousand years to come and only wait on us to share the plans of our hearts with him. He surely knew what Adam hid in his heart when he asked him the question: “Adam where art thou?”. The transparency of Adam is remarkable and a great example on how we should walk with God as he already knows what we are currently going through before we started developing in our mother’s womb! The bible says, “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me” John 10:14. That means he knows more about each and every one of us than we could possibly know in this lifetime.

Every single second in our lifetime passes by with us having to make a decision about something in our life. Are you rooted enough in God to make the right decision as time passes by? Adam was transparent with God and got instant judgment concerning a decision made on his behalf, a decision that changed everything. If he had delayed a transparent answer, the consequences might have been different.

Our God is transparent enough to show us our future through dreams and the prophets amongst us. What are you doing in return?

Devotional Prayer Points

  • Oh Lord, please help me to understand your nature more and more in Jesus name
  • Father, give me the ability and the discerning spirit to know and identify what you are saying per time in Jesus name
  • Oh Lord, give me the grace to cast my cares upon you all, the time in Jesus name
  • I depend only on you, I shall not be put to shame in Jesus name
  • Come what may, Jesus is still the head of the affairs of my life in Jesus name

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook