The Importance of Bible Literacy for the Next Generation
Picture by Sarah Jinodu

The Importance of Bible Literacy for the Next Generation

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  • The Holy Bible is undisputedly a bestseller.  Studies show that the whole Bible has been translated into over 553 languages while the New Testament is available in 1333 languages and a recent survey by the Bible Society cited the number of printed copies as more than 5 billion.This makes the word of God, possibly the most printed and published book of our times and it is also readily available in electronic format, on CD and for free on the internet.This arguably makes it seem that as time progresses, ignorance of the Holy Bible would make one seem to be lacking in a well-rounded education. The future generations need to have full knowledge of the scriptures as it is the foundation of almost everything that mankind knows and does.The events recorded in the Bible are claimed by many to be the most important event recorded in the history of the world and the book has singularly led to the establishment of great institutions founded on good will and charity to serve the needs of communities and groups throughout the nations.It is with good reason that the Holy Bible is called the Word of life. In those precious pages of your, Bible lie the deepest truths about God and creation.  As the world becomes increasingly difficult and corrupt, the word of God is the only anchor we have prevented us from being swept away by the tide of these tumultuous times.

    It is important for us to delve deeply into the nuggets of spirit and wisdom within the Holy Book to ensure one becomes well versed in the word of God. It behoves us and more importantly inspires the upcoming generation to look deeply into this divine source of knowledge and instruction as the Bible is surely the ultimate guide for all times.

    It is important we allow the Bible to be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105), as the Good Book is a citadel of instruction on every sphere of life. The list is inexhaustible, Love, betrayal, fortune, dismay, marriage, finances, friendship, family, worship and sin, there is hardly any situation or circumstance that is not addressed in its pages.

     The Bible is the inspired word of God and a divine instruction book for good living.  It has been written for our learning, encouragement, and hope so that we persevere and bear abundant fruit (Romans 15:3).

    The letters and epistles in the Bible are the very Words of God. They were written by men of God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit of God (2 Peter 1:21).

    God sent his word to us through these writers, therefore we can take confidence in it and know that it is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.

    The only way that unborn generations can view righteousness as a way of life is by thoroughly learning the word of God and obeying it by applying it to their daily lives.

    This is the only way to become specially tailored and fitted by God for the good works which He has ordained for us to do (Ephesians2:10).

    Knowledge of the Bible is the sure road to understanding and wisdom as those who do not know the Word or obey it will be led astray, and unable to fulfil the purpose of God for their lives.  One cannot overemphasise the importance of ensuring a strong foundation for future generations to learn the scriptures.

    Author: MC Sheri Adekomolafe Edu

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