Easter: Deception in Christianity

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If I have caught your attention, that is intended. This is by no means to cause controversy but rather to stir the minds of people to evaluate what they are doing at any given time.  What you are about to read is merely a tip of the ice.  However, it is my hope that it is sufficient at the least to stir up the minds of the children of God into researching more into this matter.  After all broad is the way to hell.  I only ask that every reader approach this with an open mind, meditate on the words of God pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you.

As a boy, the period referred to as Easter as a Celestian was always a time of sober reflection.  This period is meant to recall the minds of all Christians to the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the ultimate sacrifice for humanity and his resurrection.  However, today, this period is overshadowed by western cultures involving chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs and hot cross buns.

Many Christians today have become blinded by the things of this world.  However, just because we have been doing something for a long time does, does it mean its right? Celebrating Easter is an abomination to God and does not glorify him.  No matter how we like to justify it within ourselves, God does not share his glory with anyone 

7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. 8 “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.

Isaiah 42 : 7 – 8

The purpose of this therefore is to give Jehovah our God and Jesus Christ all the glory.

To understand Easter, we have to look at the origin of the word, weigh the evidence and decide for ourselves as Celestians (not circular Christians) and followers of Christ if Easter has a place or if it is high time that this is reviewed to ensure that only God is given the glory in every aspect of our worship.  


To start with, we have to begin with the first place in the bible whereby Easter is mentioned.  In the book of Acts of the Apostle Chapter 12:4, we will find the only part of the bible whereby the English use of the word “Easter” is coined.  However, this alone is not sufficient proof that Christians should observe it as to do so; we must consider the whole story.  To understand this story, we must understand the characters, setting, plot, conflict, and the resolution.

Firstly, what we must understand is that there are two key evangelists.  Apostle Paul was the evangelist to the gentiles and Apostle Peter was the evangelist to the Jewish early followers of Christ.  In this story line, the main actors are the Herodian’s who are pagans and early disciples who were Christians.  In this specific case, we have two groups celebrating their festivities simultaneously in the same period. The Christian Jews under the leadership of Apostle Peter were observing Passover; the feast of the unleavened bread whilst the other was celebrating “Ishtar” or Easter.  Whilst the early disciples were observing Passover, Herod killed James and when it pleased the people (non-Christian pagans), he proceeded to arresting them hoping that after observing his Easter festive celebrations, they, the arrested apostles, will meet the same fate as James.  Therefore, using this passage to justify Easter is a misinterpretation of the word of God.

If we agree that the Herodian’s are pagans and worshippers of Ishtar who killed and imprisoned our early Christian fathers, why then do we associate with their customs and religion?       


Jehovah our creator is a jealous God.  If we are to understand his heart, we will therefore understand that anything else but God is pagan.  In the book of Exodus 20:1-5, it says,

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God I’m a jealous God

Exodus 20 : 1 – 5

Our God is clearly a liberating God who released us from the house of bondage.  His first commandment was given to us to inform us that we are free and have a responsibility to ourselves by our deeds to keep ourselves free from anything or anyone that will essentially be godlike thus taking us away from the presence of our God into bondage. Jesus Christ himself in John 8:31-36 will also lay emphasis on the need to keep ourselves free by our deeds to stop fraternising with unprofitable actions. 


When God rescued the children of Egypt from captivity in Exodus 1:13-15following the sacrificing of lambs and the blood on the doorway, he did so the nations of Israel would witness first the beauty of his awesome glory.  To ensure that they do not forget, he asked of them to eat unleavened bread with roasted meat and to be prepared to depart at any moment’s notice.  The events that ensued were for a specific reason.  To ensure that for every generation and perpetually, Israel will never forget the events which brought them out of captivity thus further ensuring that this event is kept in memorial.  This custom is still being practiced today as commonly referred to as “Passover”


Easter derives from Ishtar; a Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, prostitution etc worshipped in ancient times.  Ishtar was the wife and mother of Nimrod commonly known as Baal.  Some of the other known names of Ishar depending on people and languages are Inanna, Astarte, Asherah, Ashtoreth, Astartu, Ashtaroth and Queen of heaven to name a few.  Celebrating Easter is celebrating sex and fertility.

Time and time again the bible referred to the children of Israel as stiff-necked people whom God helped in every sense.  As the ingrate that they are, they always looked for occasions to seek the gods of their pasts.  In the book of Jeremiah 7:18, we also see an evidence of their defiance against Jehovah as“The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven.

Courtesy of the internet


In 1stKings 11, we are told that King Solomon loved many strange women.  God appeared to Solomon twice instructing him not to fraternise with them as they will definitely turn his heart to worship their gods.  King Solomon did not heed to God’s instructions but clave to them with love.

King Solomon married 700 wives and had 300 concubines from the very nations that God warned him not to mingle with.  Subsequently, his wives turned his heart to Ashtoreth (Ishtar) the goddess of the Zidonians.  He would also build a high place for Chemosh (Nimrod) also known as Baal.  The bible tells us that he built altars for all his strange wives and burnt sacrifices to their gods. 


In accordance to the constitution of the Celestial Church of Christ, eating of any food items used as sacrifice is strictly forbidden.  Anything consecrated to something or someone other than to the God which we serve must therefore be accepted to be a sacrifice.   

During the period on Easter, chocolate bunnies, eggs and hot cross buns are typical used during this period to honour and celebrate Ishtar.

As children of the living God, if our bodies are an altar unto God, we therefore are duty bound not to partake in any consumption of such ungodly sacrifices.

Eating and partaking in this western custom is paganism of which we have a responsibility to teach our children to refrain from engaging in such practices.


In Luke 22just as Acts 12, Jesus Christ being a Jew had an obligation to observe the feast of the unleavened bread during Passover.  In their attempt to observe as pre-mandated by God, the chief priests were planning to kill him but Jesus continued as he desired to eat the Passover with his disciples.

Following the drinking wine and breaking of the bread, he asked that the disciples do likewise in his remembrance.  Compared with John 13, Jesus Christ girded himself with a towel and washed the feet of his followers proceeded with a new commandment to love one another as he had demonstrated.


When God took the children of Israel away from Egypt, God informed the children following the events that ensued to keep the feast of the unleavened bread and the Passover for a Memorial.  Despite many failing of the children of Israel, Jesus Christ asked that the events of the last supper be kept in Remembrance.

God and Jesus Christ used similar words.  Whilst God used the term Memorial, Jesus Christ used Remembranceas a new mandate for all Christians.


We are not Christians because of Easter; we are Christians simply because of the death and most importantly the resurrection of our saviour Jesus Christ.  Paul the Apostle informs us in 1 Cor 15:12-14 that “Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain”.

Had Christ not risen, everyone would have gone to their homes and Christianity as we know it would have vanished before it started. However, Apostle Paul did not make any references to Easter but rather the resurrection of our LORD and saviour who rose on the third day to reconcile us to our God and thus giving us the hope of salvation.

Today, Christians all over the world who worship on Sundays do so in remembrance and in acknowledgement that Jesus Christ rose on a Sunday hence being called “The LORD’s Day”.


Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:7-9 tells early Christians that they all started very well but along the way, they were hindered. He further informs them that a little leaven, leavens the whole lump.  

Haggai 2:12 puts it best when God ask the priests that “If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said No.

If Christians are mandated to honour Jesus Christ by remembering his resurrection but call it Easter, does this give God any glory? If as children of God, we fill the temple of God with sacrifices of another, does one retain holiness?  No.

Pastor and Founder of CCC Reverend SBJ Oshoffa informs us in his time that a woman who engages in sanctification bath but wears her old clothes though she had had her bath is still dirty.  This be the case, a child of God who engages in paganism no matter how it is justified is still tainted.  

It is therefore the time for our elders to teach their children and congregation to avoid partaking in the consumption of sacrifice to other deities and to review our doctrine as a church and body of Christ by expunging all references to Easter and rebranding the events of the Holy Week as  “The Remembrance of Jesus Christ”in order to protect our identity as Celestial Church of Christ and ensuring that all focus is to Jehovah God Almighty and Jesus Christ our LORD and saviour.

All glory to God who has made this a possibility.  

Author: Evang. Steve Brown

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