Because of you, People suffer

Because of you, People suffer

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Sometime ago, I was heading home in a tricycle and seated beside me was an old woman looking weary and troubled. The depression was written all over her face and few minutes later, she received a call that made her scream. As I eavesdropped, I could sense that her son was on the verge of dying. He had been hospitalized and was in dire need of blood to survive but she could not afford to buy blood.

She had spoken to everyone she knew but all proved abortive, and then the final warning had come in to notify her that her son may just be in his final moments. Alas, there was no hero to rise up at this critical time.
How sad! Yet, all she needed was just #3,500 and because of that token, she was to lose her only begotten son. An agony no woman can bear. Tears rolled down her eyes like an infant and the mucous from her nostrils were dropping into her mouth. It was a really touching moment and this gave me goose pimples because I felt so compassionate.

Fortunately, I had some money with me. Instantly, I took out #2,000 and handed it over to her. Out of shock, she gazed at me in amazement. Then, she drew the driver’s attention to it saying, “see, this man that doesn’t know me just gave me money.” So she knelt down and thanked me. I was so overwhelmed that I also almost dropped a tear and so I went back to my pocket and added the balance for her.
She was stunned! Friends and family had turned her down, only for a stranger to be rendering assistance at no cost. But I didn’t feel any special because at that time, I was unemployed and struggling financially, and being broke was no big deal for me then, as it was a normal occurrence. I just felt God had empowered me at that time to help her.

I just felt God had empowered me at that time to help her

She thanked me repeatedly and hurried back to the hospital. I don’t know what happened afterwards. Perhaps I saved a life, maybe not. But I contributed my quota. The rest was up to God.
Then I began to ponder. What if I was broke as usual? What if I decided not to give due to other pressing needs? My mind was filled with “What ifs.” The point is, I was able to contribute because I was capable. Yet we see people around us in need of our help, problems needing our being to be solved and more often than not, we cannot help. Not because we do not want to, but because we are not able to.
Why? Because we have not built our capacity to and we are still far behind our dreams and goals, and it’s not that life has been so unfair to us, but most people have just taken life so carelessly without a sense of responsibility. Hence, they bask in mediocrity.

Do you know how many people suffer because of you? Yes, You! After all, your title reads, “LIGHT OF THE WORLD” Yet people are in so much darkness because so many people have refused to ignite their lights, people not showing up at their duty posts.
Do you know people are unemployed because you haven’t started that company of yours as people have needs your business can meet? The economy is still in a recession partly because the entrepreneurs are also seeking unemployment. Certain kids are uneducated because you haven’t started that school. Orphans and widows are sweeping the streets because you are too busy to start that foundation. People are suffering from the ills of the society because the fight for injustice is not your business. People are needing advice and counsel but you have refused to write that book that would solve their issues.

You always pass by helpless beggars because you feel their condition is none of your business. Of course, it is all of your business. You pretend not to care but you do. It’s just that you have not developed your capacity to help. You always act miserably but that’s not your real attitude. You are just so broke. The list is inexhaustible and God is sad because His people are suffering because of you.
Houses are built for living, Ships are built for sailing and man too was made for a purpose. The sun does not heat itself. It gives us light and warmth. Trees do not eat their fruits but provides us with food, furniture and oxygen. You too are not made for yourself. The world should benefit from your greatness.

It’s time to develop your potential. God has given you the power to make wealth, empowered you to make exploits and impact. You are part of the equation to make this world a better place. But when you don’t maximize your full potential and fulfil your purpose, you put the world in jeopardy and we would all suffer for it.
Be a light unto others! You have greatness within you!

Author: Tosin Imhogiemhe

Tosin Imhogiemhe is an Amazon Best-selling Author, Emotional Intelligence Expert, Toastmaster, Blogger and Performance Consultant whose oratorical bent has endeared him to Schools, Churches, NGOs and Corporate Organisations. His resourcefulness, vibrancy and ingenuity are assets he employs in addressing topics on Personal development.

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