Things to do

Week 25: June 18th – 24th (Regaining Lost Grounds)

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Regaining Lost Grounds

Week 25: June 18th – 24th

Bible passage to read: 2nd Chronicles 18:19-34

Regaining Lost Grounds. It really sounds like a military term, doesn’t it? Your guess is right, it’s a spiritual military term indeed. All powers in heaven and on earth have been given to Jesus and that means that Christians have the statutory right to exercise their full dominion to any length on this earth. But the news is not always good as Jesus thought it will be for us, Christians are constantly losing their dominion over the grounds of their father. What a pathetic story!

Ignorance is one of our greatest killers. The scripture emphasis in the book of John 10:10 that Satan is a specialist in the business of stealing, killing, and destruction. However, as a child of God, it is highly expedient for us to know that Satan is yet to drop his pranks, in fact, he is becoming better at it by the day but many sons of the kingdom do not know!

Just like he did at Eden, Satan often throws baits at us to eat and he then preys on us like a hungry lion. These baits include; sex, money, power, alcohol and the likes. In a developed nation like ours where people are given the freedom to do what they like at any time once it is not contradictory to the constitution, citizens of heaven have decided to throw caution to the wind by imbibing devilish traditions and falling into the traps of Satan.

Just like Reuben, Esau, and Lot, many of us have ruined our destinies through some minutes of immoral sex, few hours of clubbing, unending search for power and careless drinking. However, some other Christians are defrauded and held captive by the devil through their search for solutions from the wrong source. Evil Prophets and fake men of God are special ways by which the devil defrauds the sons of God. Many have been fooled into visiting the occult shrines for solutions to their problems!

The church is now filled up with cursed people, defrauded citizens and wasted destinies just because the sons of God have lost their grounds in the battles of life.  Genuine men of God now pray daily without many results because the people of God who lost their battles have not returned to God for support. Let me tell you this, you cannot regain your lost grounds except you return to God for support.

No matter how bad your present condition may be, you still have a hope in God. Christ is the mother of all hopes and you have to depend on him for your future too. Maybe you were once rich and you no longer have money again, God is there to offer assistance. You might have been a good Christian before but you are now backsliding, God is here for you. All you need do is just to load him with your cares and troubles, and then he will give you solutions in return.

No matter how big your lost glory maybe, God will pounce again reign in your condition and you will sing a new song just like the Israelites did in Psalms 126. The Lord will so much amaze you that you will think you are daydreaming. All that he just need from you is to submit your heart to him in obedience and recognize him as your Lord and saviour.

There is still space in the mansion of the lamb, the firmament of his glory is calling you to come now before its too late. Unless you do that without any reservations, your battles are not yet over

Devotional Prayer Points

  • Oh Lord, help me not to offend you to the extent that you will permit the deceiving spirit to torment me in Jesus name
  • Dear Lord, let your Holy Spirit dwell in me richly like never before in Jesus name.
  • Father, give me the heart to follow you to the end in Jesus name
  • Oh Lord, envision my sight to be focused on the things that matter in Jesus name
  • Oh Lord, create in me a discerning spirit that will help me to know the truth always in Jesus name

Author: Evangelist Daniel Daramola

Author: CCC Handbook Weekly Devotional
CCC Seventh Year Parish 2

Source:Celestial Handbook