Why is bazaar allowed in church?
- Hello, I would like to ask a question….why do we allow bazaar in church? When the word of God does not really approve of it
Mark 11:15-17
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CelestialWeekly Selected answer as best January 14, 2019
Bazaar has nothing to do with harvest, it is means for making money for the church, it is not meant to be done during the harvest service but it has been adulterated into the harvest service. It is meant to be done after the harvest service.Bazaar was not given to SBJ Oshoffa it was adopted as a way for the church to raise additional funds for the maintenance of the church.
Author: Celestial Weekly
CelestialWeekly Selected answer as best January 14, 2019
A Bazaar has nothing to do with blessing.
A Bazaar is a form of selling goods and a way of raising money for the church; check the definition of bazaar and perhaps it will help you understand.
A Bazaar is not a part of the adult thanksgiving harvest service but takes place after the service.
It has nothing to do with paying for blessing. We do not pay for blessing.
We do not have bazaar sales in CCC, we normally have harvest sales after harvest Thanksgiving service. So there is a huge difference between bazaar sales and harvest sales, one is for raising funds, the other is for doing business with God so as to be blessed.
Please can you justify the concept of paying for items of blessing, healing, promotion, favour etc. Understand this is a means of making money but why is it in exchange for the gifts Christ has already given us freely?