What of ise (spiritual work)?
Halleluyah elders!
What of ise (spiritual work)?
I have worshipped in maybe four CCC parishes in about 30 years. Some of them believe strongly in ise… sometimes there will be monthly vigil with all sorts of ise (either soap, broom, palm frond) to rebuke sudden death, enemies of progress, curses and such. We have even gone to beaches for prayer, and I have heard of times people going to the mountain for prayers.
Then I have also worshipped in churches that don’t believe in ise at all. They just focus on the worship and Word. Hardly at all will you see ise isegun. Maybe once a while there will be congregational prayer, or agba meje and of course they have a Mercy Land.
I feel there are some confusions. What is the original attitude of CCC towards this matter? The first group of churches that do ise say Papa Oshoffa was happy for us to do ise as led by The Spirit. And that he himself did ise – I think this is recorded in the CCC constitution. He did something with an egg and a needle.
But then also, the other set of churches say Papa never said to do ise. And that even, he told people to stop going to the beach and that except new moon no vigil should be allowed.
What of Ise? (Spiritual Work)
The spirit can direct us to do any spiritual work. There are many examples in the Bible of spiritual work, for example; The Jews putting blood on the entrance of their doors (Exodus 12:7) or Jesus putting mud in the eyes of a blind man (John 9:6).
Spiritual work is not conjuring or formulating something. It is using something to depict something. Spiritual work is about speaking in parables to principalities and powers in the name of Jesus. Anointing oil is spiritual work.
Spiritual work is the parable of the spirit unto principalities and power, revealing the wisdom of God in the name of Jesus.
Papa wasn’t against spiritual work; he was against the abuse of spiritual work. Papa gave a man ajoku, the man was a man of war. When he went to war and was shot at, as the candle was in his pocket, the bullet would come out of him.
Spiritual work is the language of the spiritual in mystery unto principalities and power in the name of Jesus. Celestial church of Christ does spiritual work according to the leading of the spirit.