My parents want me to marry for money but I want to marry for Love
My parents want me to marry this man from an affluent family. One brother like that who attends our church sometimes. So they have rejected the man I really want to marry. What now? They have threatened to abandon me if I dont listen to their instruction.
Dear sister. Your heart must be breaking and I can’t begin to imagine the heart break you are going through- I too know that the pain of being caught between your loved ones can often times be unbearable- but take heart. God is Able and the hearts of kings are in His Hands. Our All powerful and All sufficient God is the Only One who can truly help you. Your parents belong to God, just as you do my dear sister and this is the time for you to hold on to Him. Only HE can solve this circumstance.
Sister mi, All power belongs to God, so take this to Him on your knees and with faith, desiring His Will above your own. Sis, at this point I must also ask you the following question, please stay with me-Daughter of Zion, concerning the relationship you are in now, have you sought the Lord concerning it prior to now? Is it GOD’s Will for you? This is a question that you may have not wanted to hear but it is also extremely important for you to know as if affects how you move forward. Matters of the heart are the most tender but God did not design marriage for anything but His Glory and it is to fulfil a purpose. Is there a knowing within your spirit that the LORD has placed you within this man’s life as his wife, and he as your husband? Sister mi, if the answer is yes, then be prepared for a battle- but take heart! Through CHRIST you have Already won.
Anything God puts together is attacked greatly, but Jehovah has the final say. When Jesus was born king Herod killed all the first born sons but could not prosper. Sis. This is the time to fight earnestly through prayer but you can not be led by your heart in anything you do. You must be led by the Spirit.
It is not by might nor by power but by the SPIRIT of God.
Your parents hearts will not be softened by mere words but by the power of God within them, however God’s desire has never been to back what He has not ordained. He is a purposeful God and does not desire our demise. This is why I first had to ask you of whether you had the Father’s permission for this journey. One that you must now go into with a stance of victory.
What do I mean?
What is left for you to do now is to pray. Pray and if led to by the Spirit -fast. Draw closer and nearer to God like never before. What the devil meant for your evil God will always turn around for you good. I am not sure if you know the LORD as Jehovah Nissi yet, but as you draw nearer to Him in prayer you will come to know Him as your banner. Honey, the most important thing for God is the soul of you and your spouse. Are you both in Christ? Is He your foundation? Is what He wills for you your biggest desire? There is a lot you have to consider in this time but nothing can be truly won without relying on God. Sister this is the time to speak very little, be quick to listen – slow to speak and always pray in the Spirit. Sing songs of praise to God because of who He is. He is your Only answer. Please read and draw on Psalm 62 for strength. You have been on my heart since I read this message and my prayers go out to you. No matter what happens, please cling to this:
If God allowed it He has a great purpose for it and in everything the ultimate purpose is to prepare us for Him.
With much love and heartfelt prayers,