Can women prophesy during her period
I have heard some people and elders say a woman should not/cannot prophecy or be able to be used by the spirit if she is on her menstrual period because she is tagged as unclean at this time. Is this a hoax or is this true? If the Holy Spirit has a message to be conveyed through her at this time, does it mean the message is not authentic? Does this mean prophecy is more reliant on the sutana and the loin, and not the actual Holy Spirit that picks and uses a vessel liberally? Can more light be shed on this? Does this mean that the Holy Spirit departs from a woman during her menstrual period? What is the basis/justification/rationale for this?
That is wrong. It is not true. God can use anybody. In history, there was a situation where there was a naming ceremony in the church and the prophet carrying the baby could not give the baby a name. God gave the name through somebody that was unclean in their house, and she came and told the elders. She did not enter the church, she stood outside. Wrote the name of the baby, and passed it. God can use anybody, but the only rhing is that she will not be around the church. God can use anybody, do not limit God.
A prophetess giving prophecy during her monthly period is not strange but what makes it a sin is if the woman is in church during or before sanctification. God can bring messages to her when she is “on” when she is at home and she can get the message across but she must never inquire during this period. There is a clear difference between God sending a woman message at this time or she going to ask about something,the latter makes her spiritually vulnerable to attacks but the latter builds her spiritually.
It is also worthy of note that a woman(prophet or not) should stay at home for 7 clear days and come for sanctification on the 8th day. The exception given during occasions is for visitors and not members of the church.