

Whether you have a question about the Christian faith or the mode of worship in Celestial Church of Christ, we encourage you to ask your questions through this platform.

Once a question is asked, we will approach our panel of elders – all who are well equipped with the Word of God, and are filled with understanding concerning the things given to Celestial Church of Christ. They will provide the answers which we will endeavour to post in this forum within 48 hours – though we aim to respond as soon as possible.

Please note, our editorial policy is “positive content only”. We will not entertain questions which promote controversy, division, negativity or politics. We are only interested in assisting those who truly seek knowledge and to understand.

So, stop asking Google! Google doesn’t know, ASK OUR ELDERS!


Celestial Weekly is an online magazine and a network of Christians who – like the early church – have much in common. Our target audience are members of the body of Christ, but Celestial Church of Christ in particular.

We aim to use this platform to do the following:

  • Edify, educate and encourage members of Celestial Church of Christ through the utilization of our gifted writers, teachers, and skilled professionals.
  • Improve on and increase Celestial Church of Christ’s online presence
  • Create a global platform for discussion for members
  • Assist members in making better-informed decisions by creating awareness of certain life issues.
  • As a network of Celestians, to become a regular contributor of excellent literature and teaching to the body of Christ.

Ultimately, it’s our hope that everybody who visits this site will grow in deeper appreciation for Jesus Christ, and will build an intimate relationship with Him.

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